假投資真詐騙 False Investments, Real Scams



False Investments, Real Scams

Scam groups proactively approach victims through online social networks or dating apps, falsely using stocks, virtual currencies, futures, forex, and funds as bait. They lure people into joining LINE investment groups, initially allowing them to make small profits. Subsequently, they use the promise that the more funds invested, the higher the profits, enticing individuals to join investment websites or download apps and invest significant amounts. Later on, they refuse withdrawals citing reasons like insufficient turnover, requesting additional deposits, abnormal IP addresses, etc. Victims only realize they have been scammed when their accounts are frozen or the website shuts down.

假投資真詐騙 False Investments, Real Scams

假網拍真詐騙 Fake Online Auctions, Real Scams



Fake Online Auctions, Real Scams

People engage in online shopping through platforms like Facebook, LINE, or popular auction websites. Scam groups exploit the latest 3C products, limited edition sneakers, designer bags, or hot concert tickets, offering them at significantly lower prices than market rates to lure people into placing orders. They then request private transactions through LINE or Messenger. After the victim makes the payment, the scammers fail to deliver the goods and disappear without any further communication.

假網拍真詐騙Fake Online Auctions, Real Scams

校園簽賭防範 Preventing Campus Gambling



Preventing Campus Gambling

Rampant Student Gambling! Don't become an accomplice to criminal groups harming your peers. Resist the temptation of money and safeguard your bright future.


海外常見詐騙預防 Prevention of Common Overseas Scams


The Ministry of Education provides information on 'Common Overseas Scam Tactics Compilation and Prevention.' Students are advised to stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to scams.

113 年寒假期間學生活動安全注意事項Safety Precautions for Student Activities During Winter Vacation 113.

教育部為維護寒假期間學生安全,頒佈「113 年寒假期間學生活動安全注意事項」,寒假期間提醒學生們加強提醒安全預防工作,及從事正當休閒活動,以增進健全身心發展,降低傷亡事件之發生,如遇緊急意外事故或須協助事件時,可電話通報,本校校安中心03-4553698 予以協處。

The Ministry of Education has issued "Safety Precautions for Student Activities During Winter Vacation 113" to ensure the safety of students during the winter break. Students are reminded to enhance safety precautions and engage in appropriate leisure activities to promote overall physical and mental well-being, reducing the occurrence of accidents. In case of emergency or the need for assistance, please contact the school's Campus Security Center at 03-4553698 for prompt assistance.




桃園市 320315 中壢區遠東路 135 號 

聯絡電話:03-4638800 分機2239         

校安專線:03-4553698 / 0916885243

Yuan Ze University Military Education Office

No. 135, Yuandong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320315 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

Phone : +886-3-4638800 # 2239

Campus Security Center Hotlinel :+886-3-4553698 / 0916885243